Orientations to strengthen positive attitudes towards higher education study
This article focuses on the importance of implementing guidelines to strengthen positive attitudes towards study in students at the Universidad Iberoamericana del Ecuador (UNIB.E). In this sense, research was used for teaching action in order to respond to the situation detected. Twenty-two students participated as key informants in order to prepare the diagnosis. The information was also collected using the observation and survey process, which revealed difficulties in the use of processes to maintain interest in the study. In this order of ideas, the different processes framed in the planning and execution of diverse strategies that project the motivation towards the study were considered. In the development of the different actions carried out, an evaluation was carried out to measure the achievements obtained in order to give greater objectivity and productivity in the fulfilment of the objectives proposed in the present study. Therefore, it was evident that the apathy of students for academic activities is due to the lack of adequate strategies, which are not significant for them, that is to say, they do not awaken motivation to generate the necessary interest to develop positive attitudes towards study.
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