Updating in management skills for the gastronomy career
The general objective of this research was to analyze, describe and update the management skills of the students of the Universidad Iberoamericana del Ecuador (UNIB.E). To carry out the study, field research was adopted, with a non-experimental cross-sectoral design. The population was made up of twelve (42) students and ten (10) teachers, both of whom were attached to the gastronomic career, making up a census-type sample. To collect the information, the survey was used as a technique and as a tool; the questionnaire consisted of 30 Items. It underwent a content validity process, carried out through the review of five (5) experts. Cronbach's Alpha coefficient was used for reliability. Where 0.797 was obtained as a result, considered a high level of correlation value. The results showed deficiencies in relation to the management training skills acquired by the students. To this end, a series of skills are proposed to strengthen the quality of the professional performance of graduates in gastronomy.References
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