Juridical Analysis of the Role of Notary Accountability in Making Deed of Meeting Decree and Circular Decree of Limited Liability Companies (Research Study at the Indonesian Notary Association of Batam City)


  • Husin Husin Universitas Batam
  • Jemmy Rumengan Universitas Batam
  • Idham Idham Universitas Batam


All deed of limited liability company is the authority of the Notary. As for the rapid development of the business world today, it has driven various efficiency efforts to support business activities, one of which is allowing the results of a general meeting of shareholders of a limited company to be stated in the form of a notarial deed. Departing from this background, then the formulation of the problem can be drawn, among others: (1) How does the legal regulation related to the notary's liability in making a deed of statement of meeting decisions and the circular decision of a limited company? (2) How is the implementation of the notary liability in making the deed of a limited company meeting and circular decision statement? and (3) What factors become a notary constraint in making the deed of a limited company meeting and circular decision statement? To answer the above problems, a research conducted using a normative juridical approach is supported by empirical research. To obtain the necessary legal materials, it is carried out by observation, interview, search, collection and study of library materials, laws and regulations, research results, scientific works and other written documents. Data obtained from the results of the study were then analyzed descriptively qualitatively with some quantitative data. From the results of the study note that there is a legal basis that becomes the basis for making the deed of a limited company circular statement and decision of the company as well as several factors that become obstacles for the Notary. It also provided advice to stakeholders.


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How to Cite

Husin, Husin, et al. “Juridical Analysis of the Role of Notary Accountability in Making Deed of Meeting Decree and Circular Decree of Limited Liability Companies (Research Study at the Indonesian Notary Association of Batam City)”. International Journal of Advances in Social Science and Humanities, May 2020, pp. 26-35, https://ijassh.com/index.php/IJASSH/article/view/357.



Research Articles