Social Factors, Language Preservation and Attitudes towards Spanish and Tzotzil in San Pedro Chenalhó in the State of Chiapas, Southeast Mexico


  • Karla Berenice Del Carpio Ovando


This paper examines the social factors that have influenced the Tzotzils to maintain their indigenous language even if there are factors that have worked against such preservation. The Tzotzils are an indigenous group found in Chiapas in southeast Mexico, and the participants of this study were the Tzotzils living in Chenalhó, a predominantly indigenous community in central Chiapas. The closeness of Chenalhó to cities, the lack of employment in this community, government programs and especially the establishment of bilingual schools where Spanish is more frequently used than Tzotzil, are examples of the factors that have influenced the Tzotzils to use Spanish. However, Tzotzil speakers identify with their native language, so they are concerned with preserving it and transmitting it to younger generations. Nonetheless, people in this indigenous community realize that speaking Spanish is important so they can communicate with non-indigenous Mexicans and they can have better opportunities in life.

Keywords: Spanish, Tzotzil, Indigenous, Language preservation

How to Cite

Ovando, Karla Berenice Del Carpio. “Social Factors, Language Preservation and Attitudes towards Spanish and Tzotzil in San Pedro Chenalhó in the State of Chiapas, Southeast Mexico”. International Journal of Advances in Social Science and Humanities, Jan. 2018,



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