Use of Electronic Journals among Medical Faculty: A Case Study of Mamata Medical College Library, Khammam
This paper seeks to examine the use of electronic journals by the medical faculty members of Mamata Medical College Library, Khammam, Andhra Pradesh. A survey was conducted through a structured questionnaire distributed to 150 faculty members. Out 150, 125 faculty members responded. The main objectives of the study are frequency of using electronic journals, reasons for accessing, satisfaction level of faculty members for accessing e-journals etc. It was found that most of the faculty members are accessing electronic journal the college central library. Timeless availability and easy accessibility are the important reasons for accessing e-journals. The study also reveals several problems with the use of e-journals e.g. lack of training, difficult to read from screen etc.How to Cite
M, Doraswamy, and Venkatanarayana A. “Use of Electronic Journals Among Medical Faculty: A Case Study of Mamata Medical College Library, Khammam”. International Journal of Advances in Social Science and Humanities, Jan. 2018,
Research Articles