Jane Austen as a Novelist of Manners: A Critical Estimate
Jane Austen is still regarded as one of the best novelists of her era with excellent themes and perfect artistry. She is universally admitted to be a pioneer of English novels, though she had to her credit only half a dozen novels. She occupies a unique position in English literature being neither a Romantic nor a Classic writer, and also being too original and too great to be considered a precursor. Though she worked within a limited field and dealt with materials extremely limited in them, she was able to develop themes of the broadest significance and to present very entertaining and very truthful versions of the human comedy. The great excellance of Jane Austen’s work lies in the novelist’s knowledge of the materials which she could handle with certainty of success and her taking care not to exceed the boundaries she had set for herself. This paper is going to asssimilate the author’s novels on the basis of manners as well as this paper is also going to highlight the imaginative or realistic power of author in creating her novels as the novels of manners.
Keywords: English fiction, Characters, Society, Manners etc.
Austen Jane (1995) Jane Austen’s Letters .Ed. Deirdre Le Faye. 3rd ed. Oxford: OUP.
Austen, Jane (1986) Jane Austen’s Letters. 3rd ed. Ed.Deirdre Le Faye. New York: Oxford UP, 1997 Cecil, David. A Portrait of Jane Austen. Michigan: University of Michigan, 1978.
Tanner, Tony. Jane Austen. London: Macmillan.
Research Scholar Department of Comparative Languages and Culture Barkatullah University Bhopal Madhya Pradesh India.