Application of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia Concerning the Married Agreement Made by Notary to the Land Ownership in the Land in Batam City (Study Research in Notary Office in Batam City)
With the issue of the decision of the Constitutional Court indirectly answered anxiety over the legal issues mentioned above. The Constitutional Court's decision becomes a guideline for the Notary to make a marriage agreement after marriage. However, in carrying out the Notary does not have the courage to make a marriage agreement after the marriage. the main problem of research is how the Application of the Constitutional Court Decision of the Republic of Indonesia Number 69 / PUU-XII / 2015 Against the Notary Marriage Agreement by Public Notary and the obstacles in the Application of the Constitutional Court Decision Number 69 / Puu-Xii / 2015 Against the Marriage Agreement by Notary. The purpose of this study was to determine the Application of the Constitutional Court Decision of the Republic of Indonesia Number 69 / PUU-XII / 2015 Against the Deed of Marriage Agreement by Notary Public and the obstacles in the Application of the Constitutional Court Decision of the Republic of Indonesia Number 69 / Puu-Xii / 2015 Against the Marriage Agreement Deed By Notary Public. This thesis research is a normative legal research supported by empirical legal research. Decision of the Constitutional Court is final and binding, so the Notary can make a marriage agreement after the Constitutional Court's decision No. 69 / PUU-XII / 2015. MK Decision. No. 69 / PUU-XII / 2015 is jurisprudence which is one source of law.Published
How to Cite
Alfa, Elizabeth. “Application of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia Concerning the Married Agreement Made by Notary to the Land Ownership in the Land in Batam City (Study Research in Notary Office in Batam City)”. International Journal of Advances in Social Science and Humanities, June 2020, pp. 44-50,
Research Articles