The Fundamental Rights and the Collection of Genetic Profile as a Method of Criminal Identification


  • Nathalia Alves de Oliveira
  • Prisicila Elise Alves Vasconcelos


This article is about the relation of fundamental rights and the insertion of a genetic database profiles by Law 12.654 / 12. The possibility of compulsory collection of genetic material as a form of criminal identification was inserted, as well as the creation of a database with genetic material of those that whore convicted of crimes listed in art. 9th of Law 7.210/ 84. The importance of the application of the DNA test in the elucidation of crimes through the information stored in the database, as well as conflicts between the collection of the genetic material and the possible violation of the principles and constitutional guarantees, such as the principle of presumption of innocence and the Right of self-incrimination before the Democratic State of Law, will be analyzed here.


Keywords: Criminal identification, Fundamental rights, Genetic database, Law 12.654/12.  


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How to Cite

Oliveira, Nathalia Alves de, and Prisicila Elise Alves Vasconcelos. “The Fundamental Rights and the Collection of Genetic Profile As a Method of Criminal Identification”. International Journal of Advances in Social Science and Humanities, Jan. 2018,



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