Role of Talent Acquisition Processes on Competitive Advantage of Telecommunication Firms in Nairobi City County, Kenya
The days when human resources were considered like asset and lamped together with land, money, and machinery as sources of organization competitive advantage are long gone. The human talent has tremendously evolved, grown and become a source of competitive advantage in the emerging knowledge economy driven by information technology. Organizations can hardly compete without adopting competitive talent acquisitions approaches to attract and retain talented workers with  unique capabilities. To have the right talent in the right place and in the right time has become the game changer for successful organizations. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of talent management processes on competitive advantage of telecommunication firms in Nairobi City County Kenya. The study found that 77.6%) of the respondents agreed that talent acquisition plan contributes to  competitive advantage of telecommunication firms while 16.4% disagreed. The study also established that 259 (69.9%) of the respondents agreed that talent acquisition had a significant relationship with determinant of competitive advantage namely superior innovation speed, and knowledge management. The study recommended that Telecommunication firm’s should consider implementing the determinants of talent acquisition processes, namely talent resources plans to guide workforce planning, and talent placement methods to ensure talent is placed at the right job at the right time. Telecommunication firms should also consider implementing talent selection frameworks, and set up departments that focuses on talent management.
Keywords: Talent Acquisition, Competitive Advantage, Talent management.
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