An Analysis of the Effect of Students’ Geographical Background on Equity in Form One Admission in National Secondary School Clusters in Kenya


  • Simon Wakwabubi MMUST
  • Musera Geoffrey Ababu



Through its educational policies and plans, Kenya is among countries whose aim is to achieve equity in access to secondary school education by pupils from different background as envisaged in Vision 2030 and Sustainable Development Goals. However, this dream still remains elusive. This paper provides empirical evidence of the effect of students’ geographical background on equity in form one admission in national secondary school clusters in Kenya using data from a sample of 1935 form one students admitted in Kenyan’s 103 national secondary schools in the year 2016. The results of the multinomial logistic regression indicate that even after holding other predictor variables constant, students’ geographical background significantly affected their admission to the national secondary schools clusters. Consequently, there is need to develop sound and inclusive strategies to accelerate equity in form one admission to national secondary school clusters irrespective of geographical background of the students. The Ministry of Education should design policies that equalise opportunities for students from different geographical background in accessing all national secondary schools clusters. 

Author Biography

Simon Wakwabubi, MMUST

Doctoral student at MMUST


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How to Cite

Wakwabubi, Simon, and Musera Geoffrey Ababu. “An Analysis of the Effect of Students’ Geographical Background on Equity in Form One Admission in National Secondary School Clusters in Kenya”. International Journal of Advances in Social Science and Humanities, Oct. 2018,



Research Articles