Fascism and Nazism: The Similarities and Differences Examined


  • Richard Adewale Elewomawu


Fascism was a system of government that reigned in Europe between the First and Second World Wars. It was a far-right form of government which was characterized by extreme nationalism, racial discrimination, promotion of violence and war, gender           discrimination against women, and an unapologetic hatred for socialism. The most notorious regimes that practiced fascism were Benito Mussolini in Italy and Adolf Hitler of Germany (as Nazism). Although, there were other fascist regimes and movements in Spain, Croatia, Hungary, and Britain and so on, none of there was as vibrant, feared and influential as Mussolini and Hitler. There has been a strong and ceaseless debate among historians about whether fascism as practiced in Italy under Mussolini could be described as the same with the Nazism practiced in Germany under Hitler. This research examined the similarities and differences, if any, between Mussolini’s fascism and Hitler’s Nazism with considerable study of the assertions of scholars on the debate.

Keywords: Fascism, Nazism, Similarities, Differences.


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How to Cite

Elewomawu, Richard Adewale. “Fascism and Nazism: The Similarities and Differences Examined”. International Journal of Advances in Social Science and Humanities, Jan. 2018, https://ijassh.com/index.php/IJASSH/article/view/23.



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