The Socail Capital Category in Putnam: for A Socially Reponsible University Management
The university management comprises of several dimensions, which determine its pedagogical-didactic structure, its organization and management of the institution, planning and evaluation. Its institutional mission is according to the social contact in which it operates. Therefore, a social-oriented aim institution, as Universidade Fereral do Pampa (UNIPAMPA), carries out its institutional and pedagogical guidelines according to its social responsibility. This paper represents a scientific research in the Public management area. As such, the objective of this paper is discuss the concepts of the social capital category in Putnam, the Corporate social responsibility and the Stakeholders theory, which might contribute to the Social responsibility in the Universidade Federaldo Pampa. In this perspective, to a University socially responsible, UNIPAMPA is going to meet the social expectations. The idea incurs in the creation and in the development of the social capital. Thus, it involves the improvement of the commitment networks, of mutual truthfulness, in the financial participation scheme and in the public and also in the public spirit.
Keywords: Social capital, Corporate Social Responsibility, Stakeholders’ theory, Universidade Federal do Pampa.