The Internal Migration in Arab World “Reasons, Policies and Aspects†Evidence from Egypt
The majority of the world‟s population is comprised of urban dwellers living in developing world cities and this is reflected by high rates of urbanization in these countries, by 2030, 78 per cent of urban dwellers are expected to live in the developing world .The internal migration is a demographic process that affects the growth and structure of the geographic areas of any country. As a means for regional population redistribution, it constitutes a useful mechanism in the process of developing socio-economic welfare strategies. In recent decades, some literature tried to discuss the internal migration in most developing countries including the Arab countries. For example some migration studies dealt with the determinants of Egyptian internal migration in general and labor mobility in particular. The objective of his study is to examine the factors that affect the individual's decision with respect to internal migration, and to estimate the magnitude in which each factor exerts its influence on labor supply adjustment. The multivariate association between reasons for migration, sex of the migrant and the level of education for both urban and rural areas. Another important point that this paper aims to focus on is the governments‟ policies which aimed at reducing their population growth rate. These policies include: promoting the use of modern family planning methods; raising the legal age for marriage; and reducing immigration. These policies are aimed at easing the mounting pressures on renewable and non-renewable resources, combating climate change, preventing food insufficiency and providing decent employment and basic social services to all their citizens.
Keywords: Urbanization. Internal migration. Arab countries. Egypt.