Interpretation of Corporate Parenting in Hungary


  • Andrea Racz


In postmodern societies, the earlier notions of socialization, child development, cannot describe childhood. The adult-child relationship has also changed; the lines separating the different life stages have been blurred. The challenges of information society, globalization reorganizes the way of how families spend quality time with their children, thus the influence of parents on their children’s development and their responsibility are diminished. These social challenges have had an impact on social work and child protection as well, because helping professions are also set in the afore mentioned postmodern conditions. The aim of the Is the State a Good Parent?†research is to examine the principles guiding practical work, and the professional concepts in the Hungarian practice, in relation to corporate parenting and taking responsibility in general. In the article we will rely on the qualitative results of the research to examine the development needs of the Hungarian child protection services in order to ensure longterm professional functioning. We will look at experts’ opinion on the profession and the mentality in child



Keywords: Hungarian child protection, Child protection in postmodernism, Corporate parenting.

How to Cite

Racz, Andrea. “Interpretation of Corporate Parenting in Hungary”. International Journal of Advances in Social Science and Humanities, Jan. 2018,



Research Articles